Myth Busters
I havent left my apartment in a few days, well that isent totally true, but I havent left the building in a few days. There are many people whom I enjoy within these walls, and also there is food in my cupboard so I wont go hungry, not to be confused with Hungary, which sends a great deal of wine to Calgary and almost all of it ends up at a store I work at. Anyways, I have noticed lately that I have been deriving a great deal of the drama that I so desire out of life from shows that have recently aired on TV. I have been watching a show titled Scrubs starring Zach Braff, star and author of "Garden State" a glorious and moving movie. Anyways, this TV show is about these doctors who are in thier first few years of becoming doctors. Its a great show, not only for the writing and the acting, but for the fact that is a comedy, and there is no laugh track. I really dont like laugh tracks, ie. Friends. I liked the show Friends for a long time, but I find that it is so unrealistic that I can't enjoy it that much anymore. Scrubs however is quite real, well as real as a show can be, and it also stars Zach Braff. There is drama, humor, a multi-ethnic cast, needles, and crazy Janitors. In general its a great show, and since I sometimes need to fill my cravings for drama, I watch the show and enjoy the drama. Other then that I have been viewing a show airing on the Discovery Channel called Myth Busters. They take myths from every day and either prove or disprove the myth. It is a great show for a few reasons. The guys are whitty, and fun to watch, they are great at building things, and they make the show interesting by finding myths to bust that are great and interesting for all who watch. I realize that this is turning into some sort of promotional spot for two great shows, but I feel as though it is nessary to share what I have been watching and enjoying on my days off. It seems as though I have lots of days off, this is due to the fact that I am part of a union that is on strike, and so I have been picking up shifts at my other job, which pays way less, but is a good place to work and enjoy being working and making cash'o'la. I am looking at a giant picture of C.S.Lewis that is on my wall, speaking of CS I have been reading the Chronicles of Narnia before bed lately, and its been great. I think that its great for dreaming since I have also been dreaming lately. I havent been remembering what I dream, but the fact that I am having dreams says that I am either de-stressing from the school year, or I am getting enough sleep, or that my mind is running out of things to process at night so it spends some of it's down time enjoying itself and creating cool worlds within the walls of my skull. I just ran out of things to talk about so until next time, cheers. I really hate it when customers tell me "Cheers", I am not drinkin with you, nor am I a close friend from which "Cheers" would mean something, I am a cashier and you a customer. Peace.