This past Sunday I had signed up for a 10km footrace in Canmore. Due to work schedules and the Prarie Regional Barista Championship I was unable to rock the race. I did however MapMyRun.com and then Sunday night ran the 10km on my own. I was really hoping to be under 1 hour, but my unofficial Casio time for 10kmish was 1:03:18. After a few days of thinking I think that it is a respectable time, and it gives me the chance to still achieve my original goal of under an hour. I felt pretty good after the run, insanely tired but knowing I had given it my all. Yesterday was a whole different story. I felt like I was sick, achy all over, all I wanted to do was eat food and stay inside, so I did. Today I feel a lot better, even if my legs still feel like they are jello when I kneel down, or squat to pick something up. The goal for the next little while is working on my speed and my power. If I can get my speed in a 5 km race up then it will translate to the full 10km range. I foresee stairs and hills in my future.
It felt really good to know that my body is capable of such a feat. Near the end I was feeling no pain and even started singing out loud to myself. Good thing I was running at 8pm instead of with the early morning lulu crowd, I would have been shunned for sure.