Dearest friends, its been a while since I have shared stories, thoughts, and oberservations. So enjoy this installment for you may never know when the next one will be. First I must thank Jon Kramer for his dedication of an entry to me. You can see this entry
HERE. On with the blog. This previous friday I traveled to the ugly city of Edmonton to view a musical concert put on by some friends from times past. One of the performers was named Brock Tyler, and he and I were freshmen back when I went to school in Regina. I had never seen Brock live and as such I had a burning desire to see him in concert. So some friends and I drove up to the city of Champions and took in the musical display, it was glorious. We missed the opening band, but that was alright since we were really there for the next two acts. Brock played and then a band called Consider the Ravens also played. Both were outstanding, Brock a little more polished but since the music was original it was all outstanding. Other then a trip to Edmonton, my life is pretty simple, work eat hangout sleep work... I have been enjoying this style of life, and I have had good amounts of time to hang out with friends, but I find myself unsatisfied with my current job at the Multinational telecommunications company. I do not dislike the company, nor the work situation, I find myself simply unsatisfied with the type of work I do. When something becomes so routine that I find myself using phrases like "Please hold for your number" in real life outside of the call center. Its scary when you also use keying stratigies that are meant only for work while trying to type on a normal computer. Strange things are afoot, I think I am slowly being brainwashed into corporate culture and being programed with all the ideals that the man wants me to remember. So needless to say the job is easy as pretty much anything else I have done, but it steals a little part of me each day that I sit infront of the computer screen and deal with cranky customers. On the other side of things, I have taken to calling myself a Sommelier. I have no credentials to back this claim up, but I should, if I pass, have a certificate that gives backing to my presumption that I am budding beverage expert. As was explained in my class Sommeliers do not only deal with wine, but must be fluent in all consumable beverages. With this revelation I have begun to try new and exotic flavors with the hopes of increasing my palate and my ability to distingush subtle flavors in all consumables. On that note I must again depart and head out to a pentecostal young adults service.