Today in the Calgary Herald there is this story: "Christian College to Grant Degrees". Notice the good looking male in the black and white picture. He looks like he is quite the studious little student. But this is the story that that Herald dosent tell the reader. The student is in fact late for his midterm exam in Cold War History. He is studying like a madman for the upcomming test and is pretty much freaking out. Once the picture was taken he dashed madly about 10 steps to his class where Eric deBruyn, histroy prof, was waiting for said student to come to class. It took some time to calm down, but then the student got into test writing mode, and wrote the exam. The student awoke this morning with friend and neighbour Ian Elford advising the student of his inclusion in the daily Calgary Herald. It was a joy for the student to go and buy a paper and find himself right there on the second page of the B section. It made his day. And now onto other news. Said student walked to the school to check his mail and walked by his favorite constuction site to see how it was comming. He was amazed today when one of the carpenters talked to him. The Student had been waving at said carpenter whenever he saw him but today was the first verbal contact. This simple act has made the students week. Now said student must study about politics in order to become more smarter in the world, as well as to pass his mid-term tomorrow.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Sunday, February 22, 2004
I spent this entire week sleeping, no thats a lie, I spent the entire week thinking about sleeping. Why is it that as soon as I have time off I end up staying up later and later rather than going to bed on time and getting quality sleep. I did some reading, so the week wasent a total waste. But really reading week should be entitled "Sleep Week" or "Watch Movies Week" or "Eat Food Week" but instead its called "Reading Week" because someone somewhere thinks they know students, my notion is that it is some underpaid dean of students at CBC who thinks they know what is hip with the teens these days. I disagree. I find that they are interjecting their own prejudices about what this break week should be about into the wording of the title of the break. On second Thought maybe if I had done work then the Reading week title may have made sense. Enough blabbering about that junk for now. It was great weather here today. The sun was out, the trees moved in a breeze, and the building cast cool shadows all over downtown. I even wore shorts for the later part of today, it was great. I remembered Tin Tin today, I havent seen one of those comics in years. I think the new project for me is to find some copies of Tin Tin at a used book store. I would imagine that they would have some. The sun is going down, and that means that in a few hours I will be able to go to bed, hurrah, until then I will remain awake.
Monday, February 16, 2004
Its early in the morning, and I'm sitting in a dorm room at The Kings College in Edmonton. What am I doing here you may ask, well I'm here visiting friends and taking a break from the trials of living in Calgary. Its been a wonderful time so far, I spent today reading and sleeping while my comrade Mike Schalin played some sort of wrestling game on the TV. We then watched the Mask and I was reminded how horrible of a movie it was. Its so late and I'm so tired despite the fact that I spent today sleeping. I think I have some sort of sickness, always needing sleep, but sleeping all the time. I had a slush tonight and it was good, and now I think I need to sleep again. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Peace.
Monday, February 09, 2004
So much for being random, I guess after not updating for a while, two days in a row is fairly random. I'm taking a break from my MAUS paper so I thought I would tell a story of what happened to me this morning. Today I walked down to MEC before going to class. The whole point of my mission was to get some energy bars from which I could attain engery and thus make it through my day. I got to MEC and proceeded to check out the avalible bars. I wanted to try most of them so I grabbed a bunch of, one of each kind almost, aside from the gross looking ones, and the ones that were too expensive. I went and paid for them and took one out to eat and happened to glance at the package. I was horrified to find that it read "Vitamin and Mineral Bar for Women". I was flabbergasted, I just bought 5 energy bars for women, when I am clearly a man. It was most disturbing. After the shock wore off that I had just paid money for something not even for me I figured that I better just eat them anyways, what could it do to me. Right, so I had one bar, and it was decent fruity, a little ricecrispy feel, and some what tasted like yougut. It was a decent eat, I did not feel energy right away like I had planned, but I did feel full, which is a good thing seeing as there were enough calories for it to be a meal. I then continued on my way to school. As I was nearing the school I felt tears well up in my eyes and thought to myself, "Is this the bar talking or am I just suffering from wind in the eye?". I assesed the situation and decided that it must be the wind seeing as the woman's energy bar had not even had a chance to digest, or could it? But then the tears went away as soon as I was out of the wind, and I got ahold of my emotions and dried my tears. I headed to class and showed my good friend Becky what I had just done, she shared my pain and then we tried another "Vitamin and Mineral Bar for Women". It was again tasty, and filling. So they had done the trick, but I doubt I will ever buy the same brand again since I'm a man and I have an image to uphold. So thats my story, now I will continue to write my paper and perhaps be heading out for some java later this eve. I love mail . Also take a moment to remember a college student somewhere who ate Kraft Dinner today.
Sunday, February 08, 2004
Seeing as this has been so random this year I have decided to continue with the randomness and sporatic entry's. Well so far this year I have gone to the states, had a flood, been cold all the time, had some bad food, some good food, watched good and bad movies, and read lots and lots and lots of words, much like you are doing now. But seriously I went through this period of deep depression, I am not one to have my emotions so messed with, but I'm currently taking a class on antisemetism and the Holocaust. I had to read a concise history of the Holocaust and write a book review on it. This is the source of said depression. I was reading and trying to stay positive, but in the end I found it so hard to find the good parts. The book ended right as the allies were freeing people from the camps, and thus there was no closure to the end of the war. Then I had to write the paper. It dident help that the weather was like minus 50 billion out, and I was finding it hard to sleep with the window closed. (We, Troy and I, did not want the window to freeze open, so we opted to have it freeze closed. So not only was our apartment warm, and I dislike warm humid places, but the air was kinda stale, which is not good for a guys apartment. In the middle of all this cold, freeze your eye balls weather we had a fire alarm. No joke, some freshmen on the first floor spilled grease on his stove which made a huge cloud of smoke which made the building have to be evacuated. It was mighty cold out let me tell you. So aside from these problems life has been good, interesting, always interesting. I was contracted to take my first freelance pictures a week ago. The school wanted some pictures of the dorm so I took some and got 20 bucks out of the deal, it was pretty keen. I just finished reading Maus, a comic book by Art Spiegelman retelling his fathers survival of the Holocaust in comic strips. It blew my mind. I read it for the first time a long time ago when my friend, Ian G, lent it to me. This time I had a better knowledge of what actually happened so I appricated it even more. After writing this I have just realized that I need to write a paper on it for this thursday, I should get on that soon, which means I leave the reader with a final thought.
"It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better place then here, what better time then now?"
Rage Against the Machine.