My Philosophy
Its been quite some time since I last shared what was going on. And as a close to my day of paper writing I will share some thoughts which are kinda old, but still thoughts. Many things have happened in the last little while. The biggest thing being Youth Conference is over. And after a successful weekend of musical playing and leading worship for tons and tons of teens I was very tired and slept many hours. This weekend was not a normal weekend, but if you can imagine for a moment the first night being all jittery and realizing that as a band we were where we had been practicing and been getting ready for. The first set was good, but when we got there the next morning we were ready to go and the monitor tech told us that we sounded like a whole new band. It so great to be on stage playing with the God given abilities I have and just letting it all out. I danced, laughed, stood still, rocked, and even perhaps cried. The entire weekend was a moving time and I enjoyed seeing my little, yet taller, brother whos band Fervo played at the music competition, which I helped Judge. Sadly they dident win, but they put on a good show on the stage where famed british rock stars Muse once played. After the famed YC was over I went through a week of strange ups and downs. I was told to read Elijah's story after he had the mountian top experience of Mt. Carmel and the prophets of Baal. I read this story and it reminded me of my situation and how after Elijah was done his work he ran away and wanted to die. I dont think I got that sorrowful, but I felt pretty bad and so I spent a great deal of time not doing anything and I felt bad for it at the time, but in retrospect it was what I needed. Even though I also needed to do homework, which is what I did all day today. Anyways so I am about 3 weeks away from finishing school and I still have no drive to do anything, but I am working slowly at getting things done. And tomorrow is Easter Sunday which is a joyus occasion since it reminds me that in all the history I am studying I am still a child of God's and his providence reigns supreme. So on that note I head off to dream land, where lately I have been having the most ubsurd dreams, anyways until next time.