A Tribute to the Sun
Calgary during the winter is usually a dark and depressing place. Streets filled with snow, patches of ice everywhere, angry business men who just lost a game of squash, general displeasure. However the particular day, Jan. 30th 2005, it appears to be sunny and beautiful outside. Infact I just checked the Enviroment Canada Website, the only website I trust for Weater info, and it informed me that it is currently +6 degrees celsius outside. Hows that for a dreary winter. I think the sun has an effect on the attitude of everyone around as well. People seem more cheery and more level headed with the sun is shining and when the sky is blue. I personally find that the sun makes me sneeze at first and then I enjoy the vitamin D giving rays so much that it causes me to grow sleepy in the warm yellow light. Another aspect of the sun is that it gives my plants the nessary energy to process the C02 and thus sustain life for themselves also. The sun is such a win win situation. The sun also gives me hope that after this winter and all this coldness has passed there will be time for warmth and greenery. I went for a walk yesterday by the river and attempted to take photos. Being Nightime it was a little difficult to do such an artistic expression, thus I wanted the sun to come out so I could get a couple good shots. I am reminded of a scene in the film "The Truman Show" where Chistoph orders the "sun" to be qued, and then all of the sudden light is cast upon the entire "world". The sun is so glorious. In fact it is the sun, which at times is turbulent, who am I kidding, the sun is a giant nuclear reaction and thus is always turbulent. Let me re-phrase that. When the sun is "More" turbulent, and solar flares are produced there are beautiful reprocussions on earth aka, "aurora borealis" or Northern Lights. A few weekends ago I was on my way to Vermillion, home of Mike Schalin and the "Vermillion Folk Club", when I saw the shimmering streaks of "aurora borealis" dominating the north sky. I spent a good amount of time just staring at them. I had seen the lights before, in Regina of all places, but never like this. They were dancing and moving and shimmering and green. I had taken pictures of them before, but this was a whole new experience. I was later told that this representation was far from what they "can" be. Never the less I was still amazed and captivated by what the suns effect on the night sky can be. Ah the sun, apparently the sun can also power cars, I will have to wait till Josh builds one so I can be even more amazed by the power of a giant ball of nuclear fision. So with the glorious sun staring me straight in the face I sign off and remind you to enjoy the sun while you can.